Montag, 9. November 2020

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CID Institute Family Museum

Waldmuseum Natural History Cabinet Collection


Text Edition, Design and Photographies

Peter Zanger - Diplomated Biologist

CID Institute Weilmuenster

9th of November 2020

Latest Actualization : Tuesday, 10.11.2020, 17:30 p.m.


Lichenes from Unregistered Sites in Colombia - Collection 1985

The following CID Institute Museum Lichen Collection Specimen belong to the Lichenes collected during the Colombia Voyage from June until September 1985 without exisiting origin register. 

Collections could have been realized in Cundinamarca (Bogotá / Montserrate, Guatavita / Lake, Guaduas), Boyaca (Villa de Leyva / Ecce Homo), Antioquia (Medellin, Tamesis, Santa Fe de Antioquia), Cauca (Coconuco - Parque Nevado del Purace, Silvia), Huila (San Agustin, San Andres de Pisimbala), Magdalena (Santa Marta, Taganga, Parque Nacional Tairona, Minca), Tolima (Honda). 

The species determination is still not concluded.

Sp. indet. cf. Cladonia chlorophaea

Sp. indet. 

Sp. indet. 

Sp. indet. cf. Usnea

Sp. indet.

Sp. indet. 

Sp. indet. Ramalina sp. et. al.

Sp. indet. cf. Lephroma

Sp. indet cf. Hypogymna physodes

Sp. indet.

Sp. indet

Sp. indet. cf. Teloschistes flavicans

Sp. indet. cf. Cladonia sp.

Sp. indet.

Sp. indet.

Sp. indet. cf. Ramalina sp.

Sp. indet.

Lichenes from Unregistered Sites in Colombia det. S.M. - Collection 1985

The following CID Institute Museum Lichen Collection Specimen belong to the Lichenes collected during the Colombia Voyage from June until September 1985 without exisiting origin register. 

Collections could have been realized in Cundinamarca (Bogotá / Montserrate, Guatavita / Lake, Guaduas), Boyaca (Villa de Leyva / Ecce Homo), Antioquia (Medellin, Tamesis, Santa Fe de Antioquia), Cauca (Coconuco - Parque Nevado del Purace, Silvia), Huila (San Agustin, San Andres de Pisimbala), Magdalena (Santa Marta, Taganga, Parque Nacional Tairona, Minca), Tolima (Honda). 

The species determination of the following species realized Dr. phil Yolanda Sol Montoya Bonilla circa 1993-1998. 

Umbillicaria pustulata

Colombia 1985

Peltigera aphtosa

Colombia 1985

Peltigera canina

Colombia 1985

Xanthoria parietina

Colombia 1985

Usnea sp.

Colombia 1985

Plectoria implexa

Colombia 1985

Lobaria pulmonaria

Colombia 1985

In ancient times an important remedy for respiratory deseases. Actually in Germany nearly dissappeared due to it´s high sensibility against air pollution. Only actual records in higher alpine regions over 900 msnm. Indicator plant for sane environments.

Collema furfuracea & Lecanora chlarotera

Colombia 1985 on bark

Collema furfuracea

Lecanora chlarotera

Ecce Homo / Villa de Leyva - Boyaca - Colombia


Ramalina sp.

European Ramalina species often grow on coastal seashore rocks. Their habitus is bushy, tufted branched with clay or ivory colours. 

The specimen found near Ecce Homo monastery grew on a rock in Andean mountainside at a height of aprox. 2.180 msnm.

It´s habitus with rounded Thalli distinguishes from Ramalina siliquosa that has a more band-shaped thallus. 

Collection Data

The specimen has been collected near Ecce Homo Monastery (near Villa de Leyva - Boyaca / Colombia) on an rock situated aprox 200-250 meter North of the Monastery near a cross at a height of aprox. 2.250 msnm at 5°40´48 N 73°35´43 W. 

The finding site is coincident with the origin of the CID Institute Ecce Homo Ammonite Fossils exposed parallely in this digital museum collection. 

Andean Cordillera Oriental, Boyaca Department / Colombia

The landscape of the finding site appears nowadays - 35 years later - strongly changed

The specimen has been collected in July - September of 1985

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  CID Institute Family Museum Waldmuseum Natural History Cabinet Collection LICHENES from COLOMBIA UNREGISTERED SITES UNREGISTERED SITES det...